Homeless by Degrees: A national Canadian research project on higher education student homelessness

The Social Class Lens: How Amarillo College in Texas created a Culture of Care with Russell Lowrey-Hart, President Amarillo College, Texas. April 16, 2021

class discrimination, Events, poverty, social class, university
Class Matters. Andrew Sayer, Lancaster University (UK). March 1, 2021

Events, learning, poverty, Roma/Gypsies, social class, university
Yes, we want and we can. Roma/Gypsies in Spanish Universities. Sí, queremos y podemos. Gitanos y gitanas en las universidades españolas. CampusRom. Feb 11, 2021

Ragged University: The Means to Organise Education Beyond Money. Jan 15, 2021

Budd Hall on Knowledge Democracy and Higher Education. Dec 4, 2020

Danuta Charland: The Peasant Academic. Nov 5, 2020

Dental Care Beyond a Hope and a Prayer with Dr. Rafael Bustamante (DDS), Signature Dental, Edmonton, Alberta

POST-PONED Visceral Violences and Silences within Epistemic Communities: Un/homing Pedagogies of Dis/comfort with Dr. Anastasia Christou

Poverty Through Poetry with Carmen Rodriguez de France. April 27th. Noon-1:30 PDT

UVic Human Research Ethics webinar. Jan 14th, 2021